
Four times a year, SPONS participates in the Dutch Student Swimming Competition, a competition where we compete with 11 other student swimming associations for the national title. We travel all over the country, as the competitions take place in the cities of the student swimming associations. The NSZKs are always on Saturday, but actually it starts on Friday because that’s when the pre-party is held. Anyone can participate in the NSZK, from beginner to advanced.

A competition often lasts all afternoon, with an awful lot of choice in distances and swimming strokes, and there is usually a fun part too. Afterwards, we have dinner together with all the clubs. You don’t necessarily have to swim, as you can also come along for the atmosphere during the competition and be there with the party that always takes place afterwards!

The party always has a theme that people dress according to, such as ‘Temptation Meadow’ in Enschede. During this party, the results of the competition are also announced. Often SPONS comes out on top in this, making it double the fun to be at the party and sing our victory song loudly! Afterwards, there will be the possibility to spend the night somewhere.

All this is arranged by the student swimming association that is organising the NSZK at the time. The costs are always incredibly low. So do join in, because you will meet lots of new people and it is one big party every time!

Once a year, in addition to the NSZKs, there is also an ONKS, the Open Dutch Student Championships. The concept is the same as the NSZK, namely a pre-party, competition, food, party and the choice of sleeping afterwards. All this for a bargain price and in a fun student city.

The only difference is that there are also individual prizes to be won at this competition AND that this race does not count towards the NSZK rankings. Think of it as an extra for when you feel like swimming and partying again!

SPONS Club Championships
SPONS’ club championships take place once a year. Like any other competition, anyone can participate in these. Often, these competitions are also very nice as practice at the NSZK for novice swimmers. This competition is organised by the SPONS swimming commissioner, who gets help from the trainers’ committee.

50 metres of each stroke will be swum. The swimmer who performs best over all distances will be crowned SPONS club champion! If you do not want to swim a particular stroke, this is also possible. The D swimmers do not have to swim the butterfly stroke and for the C swimmers there is the possibility to do 25 metres of butterfly stroke. There will be plenty of breaks between all programme elements.

At the end, a top three per level (A-B-C-D) is made of the fastest swimmers of all events. Afterwards, there is always a special drink in our local pub, café Bobbi´s, where the prizes are also handed out!