Lianne Dekker
The chairwoman is the face of the association and mainly liaises with external parties and represents SPONS. The chairwoman also ensures that the fellow board members can perform their duties well, by making the meeting agendas and providing support where necessary. Furthermore, the chairman is of course the proud owner of the chairman’s tie and the gavel!

Sam Poelsma
The laptop and Gmail are the secretary’s best friend, as this is where the minutes of meetings are written and emails are kept. Furthermore, the secretary is creative, because once a month the secretary gets to go all out on designing the newsletter. The secretary is also the first point of contact for new members and trial swimmers, so he gets to know everyone incredibly quickly.

Ariana Mihaita
The treasurer mainly deals with finances and gets his hands on the SPONS creditcard. The season starts for the treasurer even before it is hammered in, namely when making the budget. Together with fellow board members, the treasurer decides where and how much money will be spent on SPONS-related activities. Throughout the season, the treasurer deals with collections and invoices, bookkeeping, subsidies and declarations.

Quint Swagten
Swimming Commissioner
The swimming commissioner is responsible for all SPONS training sessions and competitions. The ‘swim co’ is therefore in contact with the (country) trainers and the board of trainers’ committee to ensure that training sessions run optimally. At competitions, the swim co takes care of member registration. Of course, the registrations for the four annual NSZKs are done in such a way that SPONS remains champions! The swimco also has meetings with swim coaches from other student swimming associations.

Mare de Vries
Internal Commissioner
The work for the internal commissioner starts even before the season has officially started with filling and getting the committees ready. Then the internal commissioner coordinates almost all committees, alerting them to deadlines, structuring internal promotion and advising where necessary. The internal commissioner has a lot of contact with all (active) members. In addition, the commissioner internal deals with the external promotion of SPONS through the social media channels, but this can also be alternated with the fellow board members.